Data Protection Laws for B2B Companies: Compliance and Best Practices
By Nora Correa Valenzuela, Copywriter, MarketLogic Chile
What are the key aspects of the Data Protection Act from the perspective of B2B companies? Here’s how to ensure compliance and adopt the best practices to protect your customers’ and business partners’ information.
A strategy to effectively filter your potential clients
The lead funnel is an effective strategy in B2B marketing that uses a visual element to identify each stage of interaction that each lead goes through.
Cold or hot B2B marketing: which strategies to use?
B2B marketing should be structured to achieve micro-conversions that keep potential customers engaged.
Latin America’s economic growth and opportunities in 2025
Latin America’s economic growth in 2025 creates a favorable outlook for local and international investors
5 Current B2B marketing challenges and how to overcome them
Strengthening long-term relationships with customers ensures better results in B2B marketing.