A strategy to effectively filter your potential clients
A strategy to effectively filter your potential clients
The lead funnel is an effective strategy in B2B marketing that, through a visual element allowing us to identify each stage of interaction a lead goes through, enables us to optimize and channel content toward achieving the goal: converting them into loyal clients.
This element suggests specific actions and tactics to guide a certain number of leads to a final stage where they become select clients and individuals who closely identify with your brand. Depending on each stage, users will be more interested in interacting with one type of content or another, so it’s your task to plan what will best help achieve the goal. The strategy has four stages: Awareness, where someone who has had no prior contact with your company discovers you, followed by a series of interactions in the next stages—Conversion, Close, and Delight—to meet the leads’ needs.
Learn more about this interesting strategy on STOICA our partner agency’s blog:
The lead funnel is an effective strategy in B2B marketing that uses a visual element to identify each stage of interaction that each lead goes through.